The Specktacles
Archy Specktacle, Unknown age (but presents as being in his 40s), paranoid, impulsive, volatile yet well-meaning — A blue collar worker driven by shortsighted self interest. Archy wants nothing more than respect and to be seen as a hero but lacks the credentials and gumption to achieve his goal. He served in the Battle of Mount Areola as a Quartermaster and deems himself an equal to front line soldiers.
“Who else is going to ensure the damn troops’ uniforms are damn
cleaned and issued? It’s important work, damnit!” Archy veils his
insecurities around his lack of valor with “faux Alpha'' bravado and
overzealousness. When he isn’t knocking on a neighbor’s door, (falsely)
accusing them of espionage, he’s working full time at Co-Deuce—the
CO2 production plant. After a long day of quality control at the job,
Archy enjoys cracking open an ice-cold Schweiss at Pub Beta where
he and his war vet buddies join heads on how to solve the world’s
problems—one futile mission at a time.

Vira Specktacle, 35, sensitive, doting, superficial, — She’s hot, and she knows it—hell, everyone does; the Virish breed is known for their good looks. But, Vira aspires to be more than just sexy. She wants to be a sexy mom—huge difference. But, because she can’t produce children of her own, she desperately
strives to be the best replacement mommy to her husband’s children,
Backy and Proe. She’s a fun, sweet, and “cool mom” who can’t understand
why her stepkids are so embarrassed by her. “When I was your age,
I used to pray every night to be infected by a mother like me.” But,
Vira’s regularly failed attempts to win their favor never deter her
because when it comes to proving how much more she loves her
stepchildren, she’s willing to go very far...or rather...as far as her
6 inch stilettos will allow her…
Proe Specktacle, 11, whiz kid, practical, rebellious, precocious — He wakes up every morning with one mission and one mission only: to prove they are all living on the surface of a “hu`mayne”—a mythological creature that lives in “Nujerzee.” Proe stumbled into this discovery during his search for Backy’s
and his biological mother who never returned home after a space mission.
Now, he is on a quest to prove Moa (God) does not exist, but poor
hygiene-having Maurice the hu`mayne does. The existential dread is strong
in this one, and his unwavering rebellion against the status quo leads to a
frequent summons to the principal's office. Archy supports Proe’s ambitions
and attributes his courage to the Speckatcles’ genes. Archy’s approval is
Proe’s greatest motivator.
Backy Specktacle, 15, timid, insecure, hormone-driven 10th grader livin’ in the shadow of her famous astronaut mom. While everyone expects Backy to use her high aptitude for science
and math for a greater purpose, the angsty teen is preoccupied with
dreams of becoming a celebrity socialite. Her visions of grandeur are
given free rein at home, but at school, Backy is confronted by her bleak
reality; she’s a social reject. Despite how well suited Vira is for the job,
Backy often rejects her proposals to help make her the object of envy
and affection on campus. She wishes her REAL mother was here...
Supporting characters
Maurice 'Mo' Malus, Unknown age (but presents as being in his 40s), paranoid, impulsive, volatile yet well-meaning — A blue collar worker driven by shortsighted self interest. Archy wants nothing more than respect and to be seen as a hero but lacks the credentials and gumption to achieve his goal. He served in the Battle of Mount Areola as a Quartermaster and deems himself an equal to front line soldiers.
“Who else is going to ensure the damn troops’ uniforms are damn
cleaned and issued? It’s important work, damnit!” Archy veils his
insecurities around his lack of valor with “faux Alpha'' bravado and
overzealousness. When he isn’t knocking on a neighbor’s door, (falsely)
accusing them of espionage, he’s working full time at Co-Deuce—the
CO2 production plant. After a long day of quality control at the job,
Archy enjoys cracking open an ice-cold Schweiss at Pub Beta where
he and his war vet buddies join heads on how to solve the world’s
problems—one futile mission at a time.
Mike Crow-Flora, Intense, stoic, the “E.T.” of Mo East,
Mike makes highly rejected (and what some call blasphemous)
proclamations about being from “the gut” and knowing that
the legends of Moa being a “hu`mayne'' are true. No one
believes his claims except Proe Specktacle, so the two of them
become good friends. All Mike wants to do is get back home,
but he doesn’t know how.

Phung & Pennie Gusteria, 37, Annoying and intrusive Fungish neighbor and father to his 11-year-old Fungish spy daughter

Helmin Ment, Disgruntled war veteran, co-worker, and good friend of Archy.